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Showing posts from January 12, 2008


A friend of a friend of mine by the name Ryan Kuja asked me of the recent Kenyan post-election violence what he can do to help. I was so touched by his offer, and I really was without words on what to tell him, coz I knew right in my spirit that what the world needs is REAL CHANGE. The whole world needs change and so do Africa & of course Kenya needs real change. You are probably wondering what I mean by real change. Let me start by defining it, “Fundamentally, Change denotes the transition that occurs when something goes from being the same to being different”. It is a transformation of something to whole new thing. Back to my friends offer, the reason why I was lost without words is that my friend had a noble intention of helping to create some change in the then current situation. However, since neither I nor he could be able to be there physically to experience what was like on the ground, we both settled to prayer in the hope that things will be better, and so things did chang

Africa Solution is Real Change

Am always amazed when I read a lot of stuff that are going on in Africa and Kenya in particular. Talk about Drought, Hunger, HIV infection & other horrible diseases, all these I can say have caused a lot of stress to this Land and caused a lot of burden to its residents. These calamities are both nature instigated as well as “artificially” instigated. My question will be why ? All these sufferings? How about how and when can these calamities be put to rest and oh yah by who ? How about Corruption which is rampant everywhere in the world, but it is said to be more rampant in Africa, which I will agree-somewhat that it has some truth in it. A few years ago the “wealthier” nations were asked by pro-poor scholars and politicians a like to forgive “poor nations” the debts they own them. Again the focus was on Africa. This was good intentions of course! I have one problem though that I want to ask especially as a challenge to Africa Leaders, where did these trillions and trillions of d