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Am lost and without words, i can't fathom the post-election mayhem that was just witnessed in my lovely Country Kenya. I pray that God will heal the broken hearts for all those who lost their loved ones, which is really Kenya as a country has lost beloved ones in this ugly scene, the darkest week in the history of our country since Independence. God help Kenya.

who is to blame for all these lives lost? this is the big question, could it be President Kibaki of PNU or could it be Mr. Raila Odinga of ODM?

For sure, i don't care whether president Kibaki rigged the election, which of course seems to be backed by all evidences. However, though if Raila was a true democrat I will have expected him and other ODM leaders to have moved quickly to try and speak to their supporters to end the skirmishes. However, either willfully or not ODM leaders failed to move in to stop the Killing, this is not to imply that they in sighted their supporters, NO. My statement here is that as true democrats Raila and ODM leaders would have moved swiftly to end the chaos even as they seek Justice on the rigged election.

On President Kibaki, he got it all wrong. clinging to power and showing utter contempt for democracy is a big disgrace to the democracy we have fought and proudly guarded it for many years and seeing it just watered down within a few days is a big assault to our lovely country and the Kenyan people and it is so painful to watch and even to imagine that this has just happened in a Kenya of Today.

Both Leaders got it all wrong, regardless of Kibaki being the instigator. Two wrongs don't make a right!

On the ECK (electoral commission of Kenya) it will have to bear the all the brunt of the dear lives that has been lost due to ECK negligence and failure to perform duties entrusted to them by the Kenyan people. My verdict to them is harsh that they all need to be fired and prosecuted for negligence and history will judge them harshly. why am saying this? because if ECK performed their duties effectively all these that has happened wouldn't have happened in the first place. ECK had all the opportunity to make this election free and fair, because the entire process was peaceful and successful until at the tallying stage when hell broke loose because some Kivuitu (Chairman of the ECK) decided otherwise. The ECK Chairman claims that he was under pressure from PNU and ODM-K to release results. This is total nonsense he the chairman knew his responsibilities and if he knew that he cannot perform them, then the best and honorary thing to do at that point was to resign, period anything else is nonsense and an act of running away from taking the responsibility that he and his team have terribly failed Kenyans.

My message to fellow Kenyans is that regardless of how flawed the elections were, there will have be no reason whatsoever and i repeat whatsoever to warrant people to take to the streets to kill their own neighbors, brothers and sisters! hell No!. There is nothing that can warrant such an act of lawlessness.
Yes we as a country have been yearning for a change, for long which culminated to the end of Kanu's 24 year rule when we elected President Kibaki now turned to tyrant in 2002 when Kenyans of all ethnicity's joined hands in desperate desire for a true change. By the beginning of 2003 Kenyans were ranked as the most optimistic lot in the world. However, president Kibaki failed to deliver most of his pre-election promises which prompted the fall of the infamous NARC which ended the Kanu 24 years rule. One can see the desperation for this yearning for change from Kenyans, once President Kibaki proved that he may not deliver the long awaited change, Kenyans turned to ODM. However, though fellow Kenyans regardless of the burning desire for change we should be careful never to allow that creeping desire when not forthcoming to ruin our lovely Country and the lives of our brothers & sisters and fellow countrymen and women. The departed souls just paid a price they didn't deserve to pay, being just culprits of the situation so unfortunate to even imagine that just happened in the Kenyan soil.

Now what is the way forward towards healing this country?
This the gigantic question that begs for answers.
I am suggesting the following alternatives:
1. President Kibaki should step down to allow for negotiation, which will culminate to an interim government in preparation towards a presidential re-run election which will properly legitimize the next president of this great country Kenya.
2. A deliberate move to be made to adopt the BOMAS draft which will give the position of the prime minister to the political party with majority members in the parliament. the prime minister will form the government while the president remains as head of state. This i think will be a solution that can suite the proposal of power sharing as echoed by most of internationally leaders.
3. If president Kibaki becomes adamant to all the above I will advise Raila and his team to think of innocent Kenyans first who lost their lives and to abandon power seeking and call it a day and go to parliament and since they have the numbers they can frustrate the government and just bring it to submission on the floor of the house.

There is still hope in my heart, i know damn well that Kenya won't go down in ruins. Kenyans love peace and have been known for that this i believe and know for sure deep in my spirit. This ugly scene witnessed last week I hope and believe will never happened again in the history of our great nation.



linda said…
Pat, thanks for shairing your opinion about the post election skarmishes.
Kenyans are bitter, they are angered, and that reminds me of what folks around me say, be careful waht you do/say in your anger.
Well,in as much as we want to advocate for peace, we must always ask ourselves this question, can peace exist with justice? if it can then one party is pretending to be at peace yet harbouring bitterness in his heart.
I think kibaki has taken kenyans to be his play things or may be door mats. Deep down in his heart of hearts he knows that he is messing the country, but he seems not to care at all, who stands to loose anywayz?... the common mwananchi. i am totally lost, all i can say is that the love of money and power will literally get us (kenyans)to hell.
I suggest that being a memeber of parliament should actually be a voluntary job, as in service to our country then those of us who really want to CHANGE kenya will be separated from the gold diggers and i am not sorry to mention KALONZO as number 1 Gold digger.
Loa Lorem said…
I hear you Linda, Justice has to be done in as much as peace. This particular i mean i have thought about it and i can honestly tell you that I guess it is only God at this point who will be fit to advice.

Like i said, am lost without words to amicably explain the dilemma we are in as Kenyans. For sure I agree with that some party may not really be interested in pursuing full healing and reconciliation as evident by then fact that, at the very eve of the arrival of the African Union leader (Ghanian President). President Kibaki went a head and announced New cabinet, this was like shutting the door of negotiations indirectly. It is unbelievable it happened. But am sure justice will prevail, let watch.
Sergon said…
well guys justice should be done and should be seen to have been done. Once tha tis dealt wiht Kenyans will stay in peace n the healing starts.

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