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So what is the Most Suitable way to End the Current Stalemate in Kenya btwn the Government & ODM (Orange Democratic Movement)?

The Chairman of African Union (AU), the Ghanaian President Hon. John Kufuor led efforts to bring to agreement the two main political parties in Kenya: PNU led by President Kibaki and ODM led by Mr. Raila Odinga failed. His lead delegation coined as African solution to the stalemate between the two parties was supported by other prominent world leaders such as the former South African Archbishop and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Desmond Tutu, who come to the country himself to mediate on the same. Others who supported the Kufuor led delegation are: the Europe Union and the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Dr Jendayi Frazer. Dr. Frazer also jetted into the country to mediate between the two parties as well.

Now that the first attempt to broker consensus between the PNU and ODM has achieved less, the stage is now set for an intervention by African Eminent persons led by the former UN secretary general Kofi Annan. He will be joined among others by former Tanzanian President Mr. Benjamin Mkapa and Mrs. Graca Machel, wife of former South African President and Peace Laureate, Mr. Nelson Mandela.

The big question that am curious of is what options & possibilities are there for Mr. Annan and his team have to in order to settle these two parties and get them to come to an agreement once and for all?
First and foremost I think a lot has happened since his predecessors delegations arrived on the scene and some of the options his predecessors had are no longer available to Mr. Annan and his team. For instance the formation of Government of national unity is no longer an option since President Kibaki has already named his cabinet.

So the following are some of the options left for Mr. Annan and his team:
1. The formation of an Interim government, which will culminate in the presidential election re-run
2. The creation of the Executive Prime minister
3. The split of the 5 yr-term between Kibaki and Raila
4. Resignation of Kibaki and an immediate presidential election

These are all tough options and I think in my opinion the most favorable solution will be some sort of give and take solution that will not leave any of the parties feeling deprived and short-changed.

So having said that the creation of the Prime minister as provided in the Bomas draft to me will be more a give and take option. The prime minister will former the government and the president will head state affairs.

I will be interested as well to hear what others have to say? Feel free to comment.


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